Journal of Samar Studies
<p>The Journal of Samar Studies (JSS) is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Samar State University (SSU). The JSS will cater to researches written by educators and students alike, especially those but not limited to the higher education institutions (HEIs) in the Philippines and other parts of the world. The JSS articles are subjected to peer-review by at least two content reviewers. The journal fosters communication amongst academicians, scholars, faculty/teachers, and students to provide emerging scientific ideas on sociocultural context, technology and economics, and endemic resources in Samar Islands. Theory-based and empirical researches, literature reviews, case studies, feasibility studies, and the likes are all welcomed.</p>Samar State Universityen-USJournal of Samar Studies
Rheajane RosalesAileen ManicaniLiz AmosAbigail Cabaguing
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